Tamil actress Helen Nelson, better known as Oviya, came in trouble when her alleged personal video was leaked on the Internet and went viral across social media. Experts speculate that Oviya might be the victim of deepfake technology — where modified videos are created to defame a person. In a counter response, Oviya has filed a complaint 'Oviya Helen MMS leak' controversy. Born in Kerala's Thrissur, 33-year-old Oviya is a popular name in south Indian cinema. She began her acting career by playing supportive roles in Kangaroo (2007) and Puthiya Mukham (2009)—both starring Prithviraj. ALSO READ | Oviya video leak row: Actress has perfect response to claims about viral MMS clip Oviya has reportedly filed a police complaint over the release of an intimate video which went viral on the internet. A report has emerged that Oviya filed a complaint regarding the matter at the Thrissur police station.The actor's manager told the press while confirming her move to proceed legally against it., Tamil News - Times Now Oviya, a prominent Indian actress, recently reacted to a leaked private video that went viral. Her lighthearted response confirmed its authenticity, earning praise from fans for her composed attitude. Actress Helen Nelson, popularly known as Oviya, has filed a complaint with the Chennai Police Commissioner following the circulation of a viral video that allegedly features her. Actress Helen Nelson, known as Oviya, files a complaint with Chennai police over a morphed viral video misrepresenting her, pledging legal action against trolls and malicious content creators. The public's attention has been drawn to actress Oviya, or Helen Nelson as she is known when a purported private video of her was leaked on the internet. This footage which appears to be of a woman Bigg Boss Tamil fame actress Helen Nelson, aka Oviya Helen, recently grabbed headlines for not-so-good reasons. The 33-year-old actress went viral after an alleged leaked MMS of her went viral across
social media platforms. After initial silence, Oviya recently reacted to the situation and registered a police complaint against the individual responsible for sharing the morphed photos and Tamil actress Helen Nelson aka Oviya is in the headlines after reports surfaced about her 'private video' going viral on social media. While the ex-Bigg Boss (Tamil) contestant dealt with it in a cool and calm way winning the hearts of her fans, Oviya has now lodged a complaint with the Chennai Police Commissioner regarding the leaked video. Oviya Video Leaked: Bigg Boss Tamil Season 1 contestant Oviya, also known as Helen Nelson, courted controversy recently after her alleged MMS went viral across social media platforms. The clip was leaked on X (formerly Twitter) where she was seen in a compromising situation with a man. However, this led to speculations whether it was a deepfake or not.
Tamil actress Helen Nelson, better known as Oviya, came in trouble when her alleged personal video was leaked on the Internet and went viral across social media. Experts speculate that Oviya might be the victim of deepfake technology — where modified videos are created to defame a person. In a counter response, Oviya has filed a complaint 'Oviya Helen MMS leak' controversy. Born in Kerala's Thrissur, 33-year-old Oviya is a popular name in south Indian cinema. She began her acting career by playing supportive roles in Kangaroo (2007) and Puthiya Mukham (2009)—both starring Prithviraj. ALSO READ | Oviya video leak row: Actress has perfect response to claims about viral MMS clip Oviya has reportedly filed a police complaint over the release of an intimate video which went viral on the internet. A report has emerged that Oviya filed a complaint regarding the matter at the Thrissur police station.The actor's manager told the press while confirming her move to proceed legally against it., Tamil News - Times Now Oviya, a prominent Indian actress, recently reacted to a leaked private video that went viral. Her lighthearted response confirmed its authenticity, earning praise from fans for her composed attitude. Actress Helen Nelson, popularly known as Oviya, has filed a complaint with the Chennai Police Commissioner following the circulation of a viral video that allegedly features her. Actress Helen Nelson, known as Oviya, files a complaint with Chennai police over a morphed viral video misrepresenting her, pledging legal action against trolls and malicious content creators. The public's attention has been drawn to actress Oviya, or Helen Nelson as she is known when a purported private video of her was leaked on the internet. This footage which appears to be of a woman Bigg Boss Tamil fame actress Helen Nelson, aka Oviya Helen, recently grabbed headlines for not-so-good reasons. The 33-year-old actress went viral after an alleged leaked MMS of her went viral across
social media platforms. After initial silence, Oviya recently reacted to the situation and registered a police complaint against the individual responsible for sharing the morphed photos and Tamil actress Helen Nelson aka Oviya is in the headlines after reports surfaced about her 'private video' going viral on social media. While the ex-Bigg Boss (Tamil) contestant dealt with it in a cool and calm way winning the hearts of her fans, Oviya has now lodged a complaint with the Chennai Police Commissioner regarding the leaked video. Oviya Video Leaked: Bigg Boss Tamil Season 1 contestant Oviya, also known as Helen Nelson, courted controversy recently after her alleged MMS went viral across social media platforms. The clip was leaked on X (formerly Twitter) where she was seen in a compromising situation with a man. However, this led to speculations whether it was a deepfake or not.